機械鍵盤軸體特性與手指疲勞之關係(上)在銀軸問世前,常常聽到紅軸最輕。但是長期體驗 Cherry 黑、輕黑、紅、青、茶、銀和 Topre 軸後,覺得紅軸輕歸輕,時間長了手指還是會酸,還不如一把普通的薄膜鍵盤。Jul 22, 20181Jul 22, 20181
[翻譯] Quora 網友提問:糟糕的程式設計師有哪些招牌特質?What are the characteristics of a bad software engineer?Jul 22, 2018Jul 22, 2018
[翻譯] Quora 網友提問:對程式設計師來說,提高薪水最好的建議是什麼?Quora: What is the best career advice for a software developer to earn a higher salary?Jul 22, 2018Jul 22, 2018
[翻譯] Quora 網友提問:哪七個錯誤是程式設計中絕對不該犯的?Quora: What are the 7 deadly sins of programming?Jun 30, 2018Jun 30, 2018
Corsair K65 RGB RAPIDFIRE Compact Mechanical Gaming Keyboard — CHERRY® MX Speed RGB + WASD Cherry…目前的鍵盤經驗值:Jun 1, 2018Jun 1, 2018